Let me start by saying that I still think it's a great phone and I'm not trying to bash the GN.
I finally had a chance to play around with the phone at the Verizon store and I came away unimpressed. Don't get me wrong, it felt like a good phone. I was really hoping to be blown away with the phone and was ready to buy one today. After playing around with it, I started debating if I wanted to get RAZR, Rezound, or even an iphone.
I'm not a high techie person like some of the members here. I'm more focused on how it interacts with me, the user, and what basic functions perform well. I don't care to read about all the specs not do I even care about expansion slot. I want a phone that's fast, has great call quality, great screen for movies, and a great camera quality.
Screen: HTC/Iphone > GN > RAZR I felt that screen was better than RAZR in terms of color. But I also felt like the Rezound had a much better color and clarity over the GN.
Speaker was also disappointed as I've read from some other reviews on the forum. It was very soft and I couldn't really hear anything.
Camera? what a joke... yes, it does take a fast picture but the quality was FAR from iphone or rezound.
Build quality felt like it was also terrible. The backing kept on coming off as I pulled the phone towards me with the retractable security cord. After watching the CNET review, the reviewer also mentions that her backing was never the same after dropping it once...
I'm really curious to know how you basic daily users feel about this phone?