No, just going for healthy

I've been working out 3 days a week since Jan and have lost just shy of 17" so far

Now I just need the weight to come off like the inches are!
Your trainer should've told you this.... don't ever think of weight as your health. Meaning that you could be 5 ft 2 and 160lbs and still be healthy.. your bfi and bmi are more important. Measurements not weight are how you should ultimately measure your success. A year. And a half ago I weighed 265... but I had flab on me.. I had just let my routine go.
So i started up again, and before I knew it, the scale was telling me I was back sliding, but the mirror and measurements said otherwise.
The quickest way to burn fat and look good is to build and sculpt lean muscle mass. Then you burn calories sitting still.
And once your feeling physically like you want to make yourself into a puddle of mush... try Tabata. Its done in 20 second bursts with 10 seconds in between...
You'll be wrecked afterwards

but your results will go through the roof.. trust me. ) talk to your trainer first.. make sure you don't have any health concerns first cause Tabata will kick your butt!!
Of course you should be doing some circuit training too, some weight lifting, vary the speeds of your lifts from lift day to lift day, some days go heavy and slow, it hurts really good

slow squats will make your backside scream in pain, but the results are worth it.
Remember form is everything in lifting.
Also are you using supplements?? Try whey powder, get the good stuff though, not the garbage with a whole bunch of fillers... they can cause severe issues.. I mean bad issues!! PM me if you want details... other than that.. you will find yourself eating more to be healthy than you did when you were unhealthy.