I was just contacted to do a survey on the Gnex

i got a call from vzw around 3 days after i bought the phone. didnt ask me for a survey but if i was enjoying it or not.
I haven't bought a tablet yet. But if Google releases a Nexus ICS tablet I just might pull the trigger. Been eyeing a Transformer Prime for awhile wondering if its finally time.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I'll definitely check out a Google Tablet.
I can add my name to the list of taking the survey. Got the call a few nights a ago, and if you don't have a solid 15-20 minutes to spare, don't take the call. I can say they did ask basically everything about the phone. The sucky part is it wasn't a live person but an automated phone call. Most answers are simple yes/no, but there is at least 100 different questions.

I figure the survey is worth while if they take the information and make improvements in future updates.
I got the call too

It was from a live person who quickly identified herself from a research firm. It was not a positive experience. I had the feeling I was frowned upon for not giving the correct answers. They covered almost all the issues listed in this forum. It was also quite long and ended quickly.
What were some of the questions? Just curious.