i went to the store to get my GN but..


Aug 2, 2010
Reaction score
yeah.. they have them in stock. I never seened the phone before so i wanted to play with it for a little while. I grab the display and pop! the battery cover door pops off. so I called the sales person over and let him know what happend. I also asked him if the phone is really that cheap. After 15 minutes of trying to put the battery cover door on we gave up. I mean.. i got a pretty good eye.. and i could see that the door was not missing any of the tabs. I then began to compare the phones I wanted.. razor Vs gn. comparing them side by side in the store.. heh. the galaxy feels cheaply made. the fact that the door did not go back on with out a 20 minute fight bogles my mind. The razor has slight lag picture to picture.. and its speaker is alot louder... and seems to be built solid. no plastic peices to get messed up quickly.

I read all this good stuff about the galaxy.. so why does it seem to me that the razr is a better phone. I had my heart set on getting my galaxy today... untill I grabbed it in my hand. Can someone please give me some input here..
Sure, the Galaxy Nexus is made out of a cheap piece of plastic. I don't know, there isn't really much else to say about it.
The battery door won't come off. Its on tight...

That situation happened at my store too. The door came off.

I had a razr and as of this second. I miss it dearly. So far this nexus is not as impressive besides the screen to me.

The razr got way better speeds on the speed test.

I'm trying to be patient to see if an update will fix these problems. My connections have been horrible.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Pretty high quality plastic imo, better than what you find in some cars....

The battery cover is a little tricky to put on. Putting it back in require pushing the tabs in towards the center. It's pretty hard to take it off even when some tabs aren't all the way in, I know from experience because the rep who put my sim card in didn't close the top 4 tabs and I left it like that for a long time without realizing:angry:
Picked up my Nexus yesterday and I love it. Coming from the OG Droid, its a vast improvement for me. I personally don't think it feels cheap. Its nicely weighted and way thinner than my old Droid.

So why don't you like it? Because its a matter of preference. Nothing wrong about liking or not liking the phone. If the RAZR is the better phone for you then you should get it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
dude...no. i said the same thing about the stupid back. all other backs of phones curve around the side of the phone so when phone providors put those things on the back they dont all off. when you get a nexus without the cable on the back you will see that it WILL NOT come off unless you want it to. its goes on there nice a snug. i really want to make a video showing this but i dont have the means to do so.
I'm just hoping these low speed tests are either an ota fix or a bad sim card.

I would love the phone if the reception was better.

Oh and Netflix on my Netflix is HORRIBLE. Don't know why..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Same thing happened to me. The security device they stick to the back of the battery door pulled it off when I picked it up. The door feels flimsy, but it's actually very flexible and not brittle. It actually is a better cover than most are giving it credit for.

What sold me on the Nexus is that it's an open phone without bloat. Verizon loaded the Razr and the Rezound with a lot of garbage that I wouldn't use that takes up a lot of the available memory and slows down the phone. That and the heavy user interfaces make a difference. Like them or hate them, but they do take a lot of memory as well.

If the Rezound was unlocked and had a strong developer community I'd have gotten it. But I'm very happy with the Nexus and I look forward to custom Roms and Kernels.
this is my first samsung device (besides a very quick stint with the charge) and I have always said samsung phones felt cheap almost like a toy phone.. That said I actually like the feel of the phone. I had the bionic and the battery door made horrible creaky noise. I had the razr and mostly it felt solid, but it also had some "play" in the sides and since nothing is removable there was no way to "rig" something to make that noise go away.. I have no such issues with the nexus at this point.. From a previous "moto-build" fanboy this is the lightest, most solid feeling phone I have used..
all valid points, but this is a brand new OS. Google will be rolling out the updates quickly.
I have to say I kind of like the back cover better than both my Droid and Droid X. After a while the back covers on those two phones became loose and continued to slide off when I slid the phone out of my pocket. I'm not worried about that happening with this cover. The only thing I am worried about it one of the tabs breaking or something. Even then the replacements are what...5 dollars? Okay.
I don't know... I mean.. if the razr gets rooted... with ics.. or the rezond.. I think I am going to stick to my 3g dx for a lil while longer.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I agree, The RAZR's built quality is way way better, GNes is disappointing from that point of view.. But, the RAZR's shape is awkward, it wont sit well in hand and hard to type with just one hand. I had it a month and its an impressive device, it has the typical GB lags and after rooting and unlocking the GNex the decision became real easy..
The back cover feels awesome in the hand, it's just because the security things they use on the phones attach to the back of the device it pulls the battery cover from the middle and it's thin so it pops off. Trust me, the battery cover does not come off easily.
Haven't had any problems with my door. Stays on a lot better than my OG Droid and Droid X doors did (which always would pop off). I think the security attachment just happens to be in the right place on the door to yank it off - its different than the Droid doors which needed to be slid down first, this one pops off at each corner.