If I'm rooted and running a stock ROM will an OTA GB update unroot or otherwise mess up my phone (I've got all my bloatware intact, just frozen using Titanium Backup)?[/QUOTE]
It's more than possible that the next OTA update could/would unroot you. The nature of an OTA update is to wipe certain things as a prelude to installing the new settings. Unless you're pure stock, you should avoid OTA updates like the plague.
You sort of need to choose sides: are you going to stay unrooted and pure stock, accepting OTA updates,as your sole source of system enhancements, or are you going to stay rooted, and steer clear of any OTA updates. On the plus side though is the fact that OTA updates are usually delivering sustem enhancements which were available to cusyom rom users long before the OTA release - MONTHS before. So whem an OTA shows up it's usually met with a yawn by custom rom users. Old news, been there/done that.
Sent from my Liberated Droid X, using magic...