I downloaded and installed "Bad*** Battery Monitor yesterday and turned off all my smartactions and remained on my weak cell / 4G signal for about an hour. found outthat the battery drained pretty fast. Looked at app usage and found 2 things atthe top, "System (com.motorola.motmusic), (this is the Media Store) andMedia" keeping the phone awake and draining the battery pretty fast. Iclick on them and went to manage and disabled them. I watch for a few hours andmy battery did not drain at all except for the norm.
I have since have turned on my smart actions and ensured I went to my setup that I had onGingerbread pre-ICS and let it go over night. Battery did not drain no morethan normal and at this moment per Bad*** Battery Monitor I have almost 29hours left on battery and I am at 80% after 12 hours.
So for those of you still having battery drain, download Bad*** Battery Monitor, install it,turn off Smart Actions / Juice Defender, WIFI, Bluetooth and see what you getafter an hour when you check App Usage to see what you get. Then click on theoffending app (s) / processes, click manage, and if available click disable.Let this go for a while and see what happens. For me the apps/processes listedabove, my battery drain stopped and it appears I am back the way I was onGingerbread.
It's worth a try...
I have since have turned on my smart actions and ensured I went to my setup that I had onGingerbread pre-ICS and let it go over night. Battery did not drain no morethan normal and at this moment per Bad*** Battery Monitor I have almost 29hours left on battery and I am at 80% after 12 hours.
So for those of you still having battery drain, download Bad*** Battery Monitor, install it,turn off Smart Actions / Juice Defender, WIFI, Bluetooth and see what you getafter an hour when you check App Usage to see what you get. Then click on theoffending app (s) / processes, click manage, and if available click disable.Let this go for a while and see what happens. For me the apps/processes listedabove, my battery drain stopped and it appears I am back the way I was onGingerbread.
It's worth a try...