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so where can i find the .215 kernal at???
so where can i find the .215 kernal at???
I'm on ICS leak 215. My flash player isn't working, it freezes the browser (browser, chrome, opera, and dolphin HD).
I'm thinking about reinstalling 215, is that possible without messing anything up?
If that doesn't work, does anyone know a workaround? Is anyone else having problems?
so where can i find the .215 kernal at???
I'm a little confused, in the README file it states that you need to download the kernel image (boot.img) for the leak version that you're going TO, and references SGMD1's post. But his page only has the leaked OTA zips, and I can't find a boot.img inside it, just boot.img.p. I'm probably just a moron this morning, but is that the same file, or is it a patch that brings the GB219 kernel up to date? If it's a different file, where is the boot.img for 215?
"This tool requires you to enter and run a single command using CMD.
The final command is: fastboot flash boot boot-6-16-215.img (assuming you are installing ICS 215 leak)
After it finished and you observe the word "writing" either manually reboot or enter: fastboot reboot via CMD."
where can i find this thing called cmd? what IS it??? im a little bit of a noob bt @ the same time no, cuz ive already flashed my fone before... also, where can i find the CMD thing? is it already included?
Awesome how-to on this. I've flashed a lot of other devices, but I'm an Android noob, so mega-thanks.
The one thing I'd suggest adding is on the last step, once you pick 'Recovery', you'll be presented with a red dead Android screen. Hit both volume keys to bring up the menu with the option to recover from sdcard. Having not flashed Android much, I was rather alarmed to get a red dead Android when I was expecting to see an option to install from SDcard. Cue heart-skipping moment until I realized what was up.
My thinking is if you don't know what CMD is you probably shouldn't be flashing your phone with any updates or roms. These ROMS and leaked updates are not for the computer illiterate. If you make one mistake you probably won't be able to recover.
E:signature verification failed when trying to apply the 215.zip update. Thoughts?
I'm having a mushy-brain day. Normally I can get this without help, today...dunno. Expired caffeine or something...
So, I downloaded D4.6.16.215.zip and put it on my SD Card. Looking inside it (now) I see Blur_Version.6.13.219.XT894.Verizon.en.US.zip. Did I need to pull out the Blur.zip, or leave everything in the D4.zip?
you opened the zip of the zip
I'm trying to update my ICS build to 215 but am stuck at waiting for device within the batch file.
I've got the Motorola drivers installed and my phone is in camera mode with usb debugging enabled.
I've tried rebooting the phone and my computer and neither of those things fixed it.
Any help would be very much appreciated.