Still use Touchdown on my Incredible...Paid for it so I'm using it
i am using INC stock exchange app but i am missing a few TD features [like html emails, global address book] so I might load it back up.
the newest version of touchdown (6.0) looks pretty nice with the updated interface. it was very useful on the droid because the stock android mail app was so lackluster to me. however, the HTC mail app is much better than the android mail app imo and i've been using that over td from the day i got the inc.
i tried going back to td after the update yesterday and used it up until around noon today, then i ended up switching back to the HTC mail app. even though it's not as feature filled as td there's just something about HTC mail that appeals to me more. maybe it's the clean and no nonsense look of the ui.
i'm still hanging on to td though, and it's still a very good app. just not using it for now.