im eligible!


New Member
Jul 9, 2010
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woot woooooot.
first off, this isnt my 1st post.. My other account wouldnt let me post a new thread for some reason.. I tried re-activating it but it wouldnt work.

on the other hand.
just got an email from verizonwireless saying that I was eligible for an upgrade on the 15th when the droid comes out for $199.99.
My contract was up on Feb of 2011. I wonder if this was a new promotion that they just put out?

anyways for you others that arent eligible yet, try logging into and maybe you'll get a special early upgrade as well!!!
just helping spreading the good news. dancedroiddancedroid
sure it wasnt just some blanket e-mail? Just putting your e-mail address into does not give them access to see your renewal date.
yeah but if i remember correctly, you gotta put your account name, and phone number.
I actually got the same email or similar, I think it's just an ad and not necessarily saying you're eligible.

This is what it says:

FOR ONLY $199.99
With new 2yr activation on voice plan
with data pack $29.99 or higher req'd.

I don't see anything on the email that specifies that I am actually eligible, but i wouldn't mind :)
I got the same e-mail. Im gonna use my other email and tell them im not a customer and see what I get.
I actually got the same email or similar, I think it's just an ad and not necessarily saying you're eligible.

This is what it says:

FOR ONLY $199.99
With new 2yr activation on voice plan
with data pack $29.99 or higher req'd.

I don't see anything on the email that specifies that I am actually eligible, but i wouldn't mind :)

I highly doubt that that actually means you're eligible for an upgrade. That just means that when its out, that's what you can get it for.

If you're still locked into your contract, you COULD get it for that price if you paid the $300-some-odd ETF.
I signed up on using my e-mail address. Our account is in my wife's due to her corporate discount. I got the e-mail. She didn't get anything. It is a blanket e-mail sent to anyone who signed up saying you can get yours for $199. But you still have to meet the eligibility requirements.