That's right, you read the title correctly, it's not an error.
It's now 7pm my my phone has been off the charger for 13 hours today. So far today I have:
- Had Bluetooth service turned on all day
- Made about 30 minutes of voice calls, all of which actually used the BT service
- Sent/received about 100 or so text messages
- Downloaded two new programs and updated a bunch from the market
- Had WiFi turned on for about 7 hours
- Used WiFi tethering at work without charging for an hour and a half
- Have LiveScores on to update me on the progress of NHL games around the league
- Browsed the internet for about 20 minutes this morning
- Have my phone overclocked to 1GHz
- Have 6 widgets running in the background that use the phone to update on a regular basis, 7 if you count the news/weather widget as two widgets
- Sent about 10 emails from GMail
- Showed an avid baseball fan that owns an Eris one game of Homerun Battle 3D
- Screen is on auto brightness with 1 minute timeout
And I still have 20% battery life left. :icon_ banana:
For what this phone does, the battery rocks if you know what you're doing and are diligent about shutting off the screen when not in use. I have a spare battery sitting out waiting to swap but it looks like I might be able to get through most of the rest of the night without it.