What you're giving them is CM with updates, and then claiming it's yours. If you want to work off CM base, work for CM. Like cereal said, we have MORE than enough CM-based ROMS on here as it is. It's been overdone, and over 3/4ths of this thread go to prove we want something fresh and original. Who cares if it's been done, it'd be nice for it to be done differently. you want to give us a good ROM, but there's a handful out here already for people. Why not give us a NEW ROM??? Basing off CM because they've already done things is just a lazy way to go about things. As a graphic designer, I don't base any of my work off someone else. I go fresh and original every time, without adding "my twist on things" then calling it mine. Why paint over a Picasso? I'm not going to take the easy way out and add to what already exists if I'm good enough, or want to actually learn how to do things on my own, or expect a single ounce of credit toward originality. If I do something similar to something else, there's plenty of people who felt they had to settle with the other that will gladly accept mine because it better fits their needs, and I'm sure there's plenty people in this community who are tired of having to settle with CM add-ons as well.