Nexus reception poll please vote

South Jersey, no issues.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Im going to have to get on the main site so i can see the poll. I thought the cell reception would of had a couple votes by now with all the people complaining in the other threads

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
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I was just at a VZW corporate store in downtown Chicago (Michigan Ave). Both of their Nexuses could not get a 4G signal in the store, whereas every other 4G device could (Rezound, Razr, Bionic, etc). This is the second time I've visited that store and noticed it unable to get on 4G. Seemed like both were trying because the 3G would drop for a moment, then come back.
No 4G or 3G internet service in Winston-Salem, NC. Have cell phone service. Verizon is on a pretty good run since I purchased my Samsung Galaxy Nexus. WolfpackRon.
westchester,NY....i have little to no signal in the kitchen that i work, my bionic i could stream movies and video.....choppy at times but still had at least 2-3 bars of 3g. The nexus gray bars to 1x.....kinda lame.
Not in the Chicago suburbs, 4g and 3g are not connecting at all on the LTE network for 7 hours. 3g will only connect if manually switched to CDMA only mode and signal is spotty will connect to disconnect 10 minutes later. (all while I remain stationary)
most of the time i only get 3g....with my Rezound i would always atleast have 2 bars thats its unlocked....i might just go back to the rezound :(
Williamsburg, VA. Barely get 4G or 3G in my home but I do get it. When I step out side, strong signal from both.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

Have issues all the time. If I didn't have wifi at home I would have gone back to verizon days ago

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums


[Slangin' these wise words from my Galaxy Nexus while pouring one out for the OGD]
Wife's Razr routinely gets 1,500 kbps down CDMA while the GNex avgs 800 .

While 800 kbps down is not bad , especially compared to sprint which was lucky to hit 100 kbps down , it's frustrating that the Razr gets double the speed throughput.

We are near an LTE area but not usually. The few LTE tests I've been able to perform, results are similar.

The signal CDMA for the above results is usually around -68 db Razr, -70 db GNex.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Looking to replace my OG Droid. I'm still torn between the Razr and the Galaxy Nexus.

My OG has barely decent reception where I live. It's generally in the -88 to -98 range.

I compared my droid in a store with these two phones. Mind you the store had a repeater, so even my DROID got decent reception tHere. But the razr was actually about 5 or 10 better than mine aNd the gnex was about 5 or so worse.

So here is what I am looking at possibly
OG Droid -88 to -98
Razr -78 (at best) to -93
Gnex -93 to -105 (at worst?)

I love the fact that the Gnex is stock ICS, will be updated quicker, is easier to root/customize, seems to be supported by the droid community better.

But what are your thoughts on the reception?
Are these numbers decent enough to get the gnex? Or go safer with the razr?
Will these numbers improve with updates or anything?

Sent from my OG Droid
North Jersey having no problems with 4G/3G.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I was very worried about reception issues when I bought my GN last week. So far, I haven't had any issues. I'm not trusting the stated reception level in the OS, but going by results.

At my work, I only get 3G and my Speedtest results on the GN are actually quite a bit better than my OG Droid. As far as 4G goes, the GN does fairly well, but the Rezound (my wife has one) consistently beats it by quite a bit when it comes to raw speed. It certainly looks like the Rezound has a better LTE radio. Still, I get fast enough speeds with 4G that I don't really care.

I have to still test 3G on the Rezound v/s 3G on my GN.
Looking to replace my OG Droid. I'm still torn between the Razr and the Galaxy Nexus.

My OG has barely decent reception where I live. It's generally in the -88 to -98 range.

I compared my droid in a store with these two phones. Mind you the store had a repeater, so even my DROID got decent reception tHere. But the razr was actually about 5 or 10 better than mine aNd the gnex was about 5 or so worse.

So here is what I am looking at possibly
OG Droid -88 to -98
Razr -78 (at best) to -93
Gnex -93 to -105 (at worst?)

I love the fact that the Gnex is stock ICS, will be updated quicker, is easier to root/customize, seems to be supported by the droid community better.

But what are your thoughts on the reception?
Are these numbers decent enough to get the gnex? Or go safer with the razr?
Will these numbers improve with updates or anything?

Sent from my OG Droid

I'd do some at home testing with the phones to help decide. Sounds like you want the Nexus so start with that one!