I gave up on this my battery is doing much better without it and I like my themes
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Do I have to use the default theme when using this zip? Will it cause any errors if I use another theme? I just want to see how much better it can improve battery life on the theme I am already using.
This isn't a patch for Libety 1.5, it's a test that Kejar is kindly allowing everyone to participate in.... IF the testing goes well (and it seems to be), then I assume we'll be seeing these changes in a future version of Liberty.
To answer the theme question:
Themes REPLACE files... especially the framework-res.apk file, which holds a ton of the images for your phone (pretty much everything for the status bar, notification drop-down, etc. etc. etc.).
The battery patch in the first post consists primarly of that framework-res file. It WILL reset most of your theme back to stock/default when applied, because it will replace your framework-res with the patched version for this test.
Which is one reason the results of these tests are confusing.. because I'm seeing lots of different status bar battery icons in the screenshots being posted. if everyone was using the test patch.. they should all be the same!!!!! This tells me that people are either using {ninj|met}amorph, or they're not using the patch/test framework-res.
Thank you to those who actually read/followed the directions in the first post. I hope that Kejar can sift through all of the erroneous data for the good stuff here... If nothing else, this test seems to reflect that the placebo effect is extremely powerful...