Info about Data Drops

I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this but when my Bionic looses data and says searching for service I can still make phone calls/text and use data like it still has service. It is really weird but if I can still use my phone like normal it doesn't bother me that is says it has lost service.

3G/4G Data has nothing to do with Text Messages or Making Phone Calls, those work off a different system then the data... Data would only be (internet, streaming data [music,video etc..])...

Now i live in a 3G service area between Knoxville and Nashville and i didn't loose 3G yesterday but i had to reboot 8 times the day before. It seems to happen alot after i use my bluetooth or swtich from WIFI or even pull out of the car dock. I am glad this post came out cause i was about to throw my Bionic at the head of a Verizon Manager and tell them to shove it and get me a Nexus. But Now i know the others are having same issues (maybe not as bad according to the post that each manufacturer handles authenticating differently).

I will tell ya this i was in Nashville over the weekend and i had 4G service and i never lost it once even though i lost 3G constantly during the day that same day. I do believe they have made the 4G service alot better but not fixing the 3G as this update was supposed to do.

I also was on the 5.7.893 leak and could not get the OTA to update on my phone. So off i went to verizon and they couldn't get it either so they gave me a new Bionic which i had the next morning. Just make sure you use dhackers releaseroot/forever root and get your phone back to stock before you take it into them. The funny thing was is that i was looking at the person's razr while i was there and they had rooted their work phone already and had XDA/Rootzwiki apps on their phone...
3G/4G Data has nothing to do with Text Messages or Making Phone Calls, those work off a different system then the data... Data would only be (internet, streaming data [music,video etc..])...

Now i live in a 3G service area between Knoxville and Nashville and i didn't loose 3G yesterday but i had to reboot 8 times the day before. It seems to happen alot after i use my bluetooth or swtich from WIFI or even pull out of the car dock. I am glad this post came out cause i was about to throw my Bionic at the head of a Verizon Manager and tell them to shove it and get me a Nexus. But Now i know the others are having same issues (maybe not as bad according to the post that each manufacturer handles authenticating differently).

I will tell ya this i was in Nashville over the weekend and i had 4G service and i never lost it once even though i lost 3G constantly during the day that same day. I do believe they have made the 4G service alot better but not fixing the 3G as this update was supposed to do.

I also was on the 5.7.893 leak and could not get the OTA to update on my phone. So off i went to verizon and they couldn't get it either so they gave me a new Bionic which i had the next morning. Just make sure you use dhackers releaseroot/forever root and get your phone back to stock before you take it into them. The funny thing was is that i was looking at the person's razr while i was there and they had rooted their work phone already and had XDA/Rootzwiki apps on their phone...

Yes I understand that, what I am saying is when my phone shows that I have no service I can actually still use data like it has service but shows that it does not.
Yes I understand that, what I am saying is when my phone shows that I have no service I can actually still use data like it has service but shows that it does not.

So you can still get on the browser, market, google music while there is no 3g on your phone?
interesting to read there, and kind of confirms something I thought since I got my rezound. I have seen it drop data connection but never actually experienced a stop in data flow. In its UI there is a feature called constant on data connection, and it warns that this may use more battery. I guess if it loses data it CONSTANTLY pings the server for a re-connect after the loss of data. So until VZ straightens this crap out.. I'm curious why other MFG's haven't incorporated something like this into their software. Honestly I was VERY surprised to hear the nexus with ICS to be having data issues. I would've thought google had worked extremely hard to head off that little issue in the latest android OS.