Internet Nicknames - How Not to Make A Friend (small rant)

It does color your perceptions a bit if your name is something like "Juicy" or something of that nature. So yeah, I get where you're coming from. I like my name and I don't think it comes off as anything remotely negative.
Jonny Kansas is a nickname bestowed upon me by friends when I moved to Michigan, because I like Johnny Cash and my name is Jon and I'm from Kansas. Haha! I also use it on Xbox Live and a few other places...

Souljerr was a nickname from my dj'ing days and I also use it on XBox Live.
Mine is pretty much what everyone calls me in real life.

There was this incident with a camel in front of someone important.
Yes, it was embarrassing... He called me the name...

The name stuck way too easily.
that's why i put a lot of thought into what my internet handle would be on this forum. it WAS actually iKillPuppies, but decided to switch to this since it is only moderately offensive. ;)

in all seriousness, as a former psych major, i definitely agree.
My nick name used to be ironically Badkid - gaming days when I was in many peoples eyes a "bad kid"

I was ruthless on video games, never betraying. but ruthless.

I go by Phoxus because i ran a website (

which was a torrent/mp3 search engine/tube engine(for illegal videos)/image host/private emailer/ etc.. few other ridiculous things that I made it for me to not go to any other sites and see advertisements.

it got popular and I couldn't afford the bandwidth anymore.

Tell a friend and word of mouth spreads.