im always within wifi range so i never loose connection to the web...its too bad verizon doesnt unleash the power they have and allow inet usage and phone over 3g...but meh, not a huge issue 4 me.
Just what is Verizon supposed to "unleash" and "allow inet usage and phone over 3g"? What should they do? Are they just supposed to hit a button on a computer or something?
The CDMA standard, which is the standard VZW uses, does not allow simultaneous data and voice usage. Period. VZW can't change this, no matter how much you think they can wave a magic wand or something.
GSM, which AT&T/T-mobile uses, does allow this simultaneous usage.
VZW will eventually use something called "LTE", which also allows this. This is an entirely new cell phone network VZW will build alongside the current CDMA network. This will also require new phones, which means any current VZW phones won't work on LTE (including the Droid).
This is all probably a couple of years or more in the future.