Silver Member
I am still on unlimited data, and I am month to month, with option for an upgrade, I can stay as is as long as they still offer unlimited, I DO NOT HAVE TO UPGRADE, it's MY CHOICE, but if I do decide to upgrade it will have to be before June 28th so I can get a subsidized phone, and sign up for another two years with Verizon, so they can pay for my subsidized phone, if I decide to leave early they will bang me for the remaining cost of phone, as I would do the same if I was in their shoes. Now I can also upgrade after the 28th of June but will have to pay for the phone "full price" and continue with my current plan, as Verizon is only selling me their service and not a phone. Verizon is not forcing anyone off their current plan, but once you go the subsidized route you will automatically be thrown into a new plan, since you are now breaking your old plan buy having Verizon front you a new phone at discounted price, and have them hold the tab for two years till device is finally payed off, nothing is for free people, it's called doing business.
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