I think more than anything, this was a strategic release, not meant to be a huge wow factor. I think the Siri and Camera features are meant to change the way you used to be able to use iPhones, but more than anything, I think the change in pricing structure and the fact that they will still offer the iPhone 3G, 4, and now 4s is really meant to capture market share more than anything. I think this release was an EXTREMELY smart move. Think about it - the hurdle for most people in getting a smart phone is the price. Now there is a $99 iPhone. Just being an iPhone has a certain appeal to people (status, mainstream, whatever), but now there is a cheap iPhone that gets people accustomed to it. Next year, when a 4G iPhone 5 comes out, they're going to have already sold something like 100 million iPhone 4Ss and a slew more of the 3G and 4. This means more people moving to Apple products and even more people anticipating the inevitable iPhone 5. This was definitely not a disastrous move.