I like that moto is FINALLY doing a nexus.. And as a moto fan boy.. I really really want to get it. But the screen being bigger and battery being smaller than the turbo, with the same hardware.. Well.. I'm just more in the Droid camp I guess..
I'm not saying the nexus 6 is a bad device at all, nor is it undesirable.. I guess getting turnkey lollipop is enough for some.. But... I have a feeling that the turbo will have lollipop by valentine's day.. If not before.. Good enough for me. Because by then.. There will be a new Shiny hot rod with an even faster processor and 64 bit capabilities..
Edit : I kind of think that moto dropped the ball on the battery size of the nexus 6. I understand the battery life enhanced lollipop but I think that if they'd have gone with a 4200mah battery, it would've made it more desirable.. That's just me, probably.. But I'm a fan of big battery devices, and devices like the g3 have really shown me that a high density screen will chew up a 3000mah battery... So the nexus and note both having bigger screens with only 200mah more... I think those turbo charging features will be used alot, especially if people stream movies or have their screens turned up...
One other thing.. The g3 doesn't use an amoled screen as I recall... And I know the nexus does.. But I'm wondering if it's going to be as battery friendly at that pixel density.. I guess it will be seen shortly..