It has begun, but I'm keeping the Rezound.

Yeah, i tried all the other launchers. launcher pro would have been my launcher of choice, but on a few occasions it has froze my phone and sometimes only half of the screen would appear. With sense it has never did that and continues to just run smoothly. Launcher pro when it's working ran pretty smooth and I liked it. I liked GO launcher as well. Seemed to hog more battery and was a bit too stuttery for me. ADW was really stuttery.

oh yeah you just reminded me CP.. something of interest to you I think ;) [UTIL] De-sense and Re-sense (must be temp rooted) - xda-developers that may free up enough ram to take care of your issues with secondary launchers :)
oh yeah you just reminded me CP.. something of interest to you I think ;) [UTIL] De-sense and Re-sense (must be temp rooted) - xda-developers that may free up enough ram to take care of your issues with secondary launchers :)

Just further evidence that the devs are hard at work. This is a good option here. I just hope they can crack the code and seriously get the S-off. I'm curious to see what cool ROMs will be available. When I had a bionic I had the Th3ory ROM and it was pretty solid. Enough to overcome most of the bionic problems. I'm sure someone out there who a firm love for HTC will come up with something ultra cool.
Just further evidence that the devs are hard at work. This is a good option here. I just hope they can crack the code and seriously get the S-off. I'm curious to see what cool ROMs will be available. When I had a bionic I had the Th3ory ROM and it was pretty solid. Enough to overcome most of the bionic problems. I'm sure someone out there who a firm love for HTC will come up with something ultra cool.

That's the thing though...other than Sense(and I know some people like it) what problem does EVERY Rezound have? Wifi tethering? I mean I'm sure that with a properly crafted ROM, we could have a screaming fast phone. The only reason I can be patient is that this is the first...and I do mean the FIRST Android phone that is absolutely 100% usable out the box. For a frame of reference, how many OTA updates did we get after activating our Rezounds?
So true. and I say this all the time, out of the box it is a beast of a phone. I excited for the future of this phone.Glad i jumped on early.
Yeah, nothing like.. oh what were those phones.. RAZR and Bionic?... heck even the almighty Nexus is scheduled for an OTA out of the box. I absolutely love the fact that I got this phone and it WORKED PROPERLY. Something that apparently hasn't been the case since the original D1, Dx, and Nexus One. Everyone has been too busy since rushing the hardware and playing catchup with software later. spec battles are like the great space race.. worthless and a ton of money wasted until something finally comes along and happens to work right, then you're good to go, BUT you've lost so much faith and steam by then it's short lived.. NASA anyone? I don't think we'll see another 100% functioning phone until quad cores have been out awhile.. lol, just cause that seems to be the trend :p
The Nexus already has like two OTA out right now. I mean, it's not necessarily a bad thing. I head 4.1 is really a decent bump up. I dunno what it includes. Only two reasons I want an OTA sooner rather than later. 1. Battery life. could see some improvement with an update. 2. I don't like being left behind. Maybe a mental thing. While 2.3.5 is all fine and dandy, I want that NEW new. You know what I mean? I just hope by the time we get it, it doesn't present bugs that weren't in 2.3.5. or shall I say Sense 3.5 or whatever.
I guess this thread would be a good place to express my personal opinion of the Rezound vs. Razr vs. Nexus.
I'm reading a lot of posts about the Razr getting cracked, either from a six inch drop, a bracelet falling on the screen, or an unknown cause. I attribute this to the Razr being too thin. Its a wafer. It doesn't have the lateral strength in spite of gorilla glass and a Kevlar back. The Nexus isn't much thicker (7 mm Razr, 9 mm Nexus). I won't be surprised if we start hearing reports about the screen cracking on some folks' Nexus's. (Nexi?) Already reading posts that the battery cover keeps falling off on the Nexus store models. Putting a silicone case on it might make that, and dropping it a mute issue.
I have not held the Nexus in my hand, but compared the Razr to the Rezound in the store before purchasing the Rezound two weeks ago. The Razr was just too wide. No way I could adjust to that width after coming from a Droid2. The Rezound has a nice comfortable width, but I certainly wouldn't want it any taller. The Nexus is slightly wider than the Rezound but a third of an inch longer. Any bigger and it might make a good Cricket bat.
Can any one ever remember when the first edition of anything electronic came out, there weren't serious issues with the hardware or software? I don't want to be a guinea pig for Google.
I had a Droid 1 or 2 for almost two years and never used it to its full potential. It will take me as long to learn all the ins and outs of the Rezound. Why would I want something that is more complex than I would ever need? Why would I jump from something that in two weeks I know is a fantastic phone into the unknown of an over-hyped, untested smartphone?
I'm keeping my Rezound.
With about $100 in my Rezound (50)/ext battery (30)/case (22), I see no reason to spend the extra $$ on the Nexus.

Now if HTC would just release ICS....

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With about $100 in my Rezound (50)/ext battery (30)/case (22), I see no reason to spend the extra $$ on the Nexus.

Now if HTC would just release ICS....

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

I think we'll get custom ICS Roms before we see ICS from HTC. I mean you know we'll have to wait for Sense 4.0 and lord knows where the development on that stands.
Here to provide you all some good news I guess. I returned my Rezound 2 weeks ago in hopes for the Galaxy Nexus. I purchased the Galaxy Nexus today. ICS and the screen is great! However, I'm running benchmarks and they do not come close to the Rezound. And the screen quality is better on the rezound. The only reason why galaxy nexus screen is nice is because it does better in sunlight. The screen is a little too big. I thought I would like it more being bigger but its just way to big to try to use comfortably with 1 hand.

Yea but the main thing is that the rezound outperforms the nexus in hardware pretty significantly.

Let me know if you have any questions.
The Nexus already has like two OTA out right now. I mean, it's not necessarily a bad thing. I head 4.1 is really a decent bump up. I dunno what it includes. Only two reasons I want an OTA sooner rather than later. 1. Battery life. could see some improvement with an update. 2. I don't like being left behind. Maybe a mental thing. While 2.3.5 is all fine and dandy, I want that NEW new. You know what I mean? I just hope by the time we get it, it doesn't present bugs that weren't in 2.3.5. or shall I say Sense 3.5 or whatever.

The Rezound isn't running on 2.3.5.
I do believe we will see a bug fix update with 2.3.5 or 6 or 7 before we see any ice cream. Since the rezound is advertized Ice Cream Sandwich ready I think we will see 4.0 by end of Feb.
All the buzz is saying ICS early 2012 which is I think gives more hope then getting a custom one done. IF the only person even trying to crack this phone is someone most don't trust then we may be in trouble for custom ROMs. I hope evil can get it done myself and believe he will but, even then I've helped create more then a few ROMs and to do it right takes time, especially going to a whole new ICS. Where not talking about a quit remake of the latest bug fix to get ICS working, there is a lot of stuff to get right.
I surfed a few threads in the Nexus forum and wow, are people complaining about a lot of stuff. Stuff like battery problems like we have here, but a lot more crap like some apps not working and whatnot. I was about to return the Rezound because I am upset about the battery and now the ringtone goes quiet when people call me as I lose all internet when I change between performance modes..... (software problem?) Anyway, I think I may be keeping the phone I have and working through the problems. It is way fast and the 4 g works great.
..... I was about to return the Rezound because ... the ringtone goes quiet when people call me .....
Noticed that happened to me twice so far, and couldn't believe it was me holding the phone wrong or squeezing the volume button when taking it out of my pocket. If I was in a call, squeezing the volume button would have lowered or raised the volume of the voice. Was going to try an app called "Advanced Volume Control", it worked well, but interfered with Silent Time Lite in which I have my phone programmed to go silent overnight. Hope the reason for the ringtone going quiet can be determined.
Turn off the "quiet ringtone on pickup". If the phone moves at all (say in your pocket or when digging it out) the ringtone quiets considerably.

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