OK, here is my take on this..
I've seen 'release' and reference to June, July and even end of the year. From the time of this reply that is 3-4 or even 6 months. So I have this:
Top 10 Mobile Phones » News » Android 2.2 set for May launch?
Version 2.2 of Google's Android smartphone platform will be released in May, with the Google Nexus One reportedly in line to be the first phone to get the update.
For those who have difficulty with linear time that is
NEXT month meaning 1 month or less.
Does this mean that the release will be on your phone..
No. This does mean that it 'should' be public in terms of the source code. As such Ive seen ROM developers do a build within 48 hours of this happening so I would go so far as to speculate that there will be a ROM of it within 7 days.
Does this mean 'Flash' will be built in.. Unlikely as its proprietary but much like the SenseUI it will most likely be supported by the browser application and going to adobe's site will move forward in an install.
So.. moving forward here we come to twoinalienable facts.
1. Adobe has been boasting this since
LAST YEAR. And it hasnt come about.
I would speculate they were trying to get a bite of the apple and using Android as a bargaining chip and as the apple failed they chose to finally deliver but Adobe denies and hold up for this or any other reason.
2. Updates beyond those of source
NEVER go on schedule. So, if your rooted and a ROM hunter you could go with it in 2 months
IF Adobe holds up their end. But if your a straight arrow you may very well be waiting till the end of the year.
I am on the first leg and a ROM hunter so for straight arrows I'll let you know how, when and if it goes planned
Sorry if this has been hashed over again and again but I went through 4 pages of this thread and felt ill from all the back and forth...