Just played with incredible for an hour here in my office. Two things.
1. IT IS SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAST. BEAUTIFUL. QUALITY. [except the crappy screen! haha!! White backrgrounds look BLUISH! Yuk!]
2. I'M KEEPING MY DROID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Droid screen looks SOOOOOOOOOOO much better. OMG, side by side the DROID screen is hands down better than the Incredible.]
Note, I don't know if I would still want to keep my DROID if it was running stock. OC and themed brings it right up near par with The Inc...
Incredible > Stock DROID
Incredible = Root DROID
I hope your joking about the screen. How on earth can you say that the incredible has a crappy screen? The screen is hands down the best I have seen, and the touchscreen is the best I have used ever. I have a Droid and the Incredible so im not bias here. But the argument on the screen just doesnt seem right IMO.
If you have both phones and good eyes, you can easily confirm the following points. Unless the Inc. I had is screen defective somehow..
-white appeared to be light blue in Inc. when side by side the DROID appeared very WHITE. Go to Google in the browser on both phones and compare side to side..
-i could make out pixels with my plain eye anywhere I look. I can even see there appear to be different sized pixels. Not a problem, but compared to DROID it is obvious.
-Left edge of text in settings menu items show MAJOR pixelation. For instance, look at the left edge of the 'L' in 'Location & Security' in settings..
-Something seemed wrong and blurry with with certain colors. I've read this to be described as oversaturation. Compare more web pages in the browsers. For instance do a comparison with both browsers opened to the main DF.net page or try others that you visit regularly.
Hey hey, just my opinion... And your opinion is that my opinion is a little strong. ALL GOOD bro.
The Inc. is absolutely gorgeous in everyway but that chintzy looking screen... Though it's reaction to touch input seems to be at least slightly above the DROID.
Note: I do not feel as strongly about some of my observed weaknesses with the Inc. screen when it ISN'T side by side with that handsome, fine, FINE Droid screen.
Whether I owned both, either or NEITHER, I would still offer the same observations. Cheers!