Paying for the month ahead means you're on a "post pay" plan. So, no matter if it's Sprint, VZW, T-M, AT&Tingular, unless you are pre-pay, you're paying for the month ahead.Do you know Arnold Slick from Turtle Crick (Mike Lange - Penguins)Born in Braddock, Lived in Turtle Creek...Now in MD
As for VZW Coverage in Pittsburgh - it's fantastic, unless you're in some rural areas in Butler County or in Greene County in the boondocks. The areas you are talking about where you dropped a call had to be just a fluke. The Pittsburgh area is so well covered by VZW they have a Call Center in Cranberry Twp. and other major facilities in Bridgeville. Any time I went to Ross Park Mall and talked to the T-M reps they were almost apologetic when they would show me the best coverage areas.
You say how high your first month bills were, but you didn't bother to tell us how much of that first month was pro-rated and then the month ahead was a full month. The following bill would have been a regular bill.
I don't think you were trolling, I just think you gave up to quickly. With T-M yes, you might get it cheaper, but you certainly are going to get what you pay for. Heck, you might have checked out Cricket unlimited plans before going back to T-M. They're even cheaper yet, but good luck with reliability.
That could be it--if you are new to Verizon, that forward billing is a big shock for sure. I've been on Verizon so long I had almost forgotten that on Verizon, you pay ahead. Makes that first month seem astronomical.
But he did say his coverage wasn't good, which I also find surprising. I haven't been in that area for years, but ten years ago Verizon had great coverage there and I can't see why it would have gone down.
And, the coverage is excellent 10 years later in da burgh. Even through the tunnels.