Just polished my Droid... anyone else done this?

awesome!! this is the stuff i join forums to see! i also zaino'd mine, lol.. not many people know what zaino is! surprised to read it HERE! I also put ultima pgp on it and that so far hyas minimized finger print smudging on the screne significantly!
I love the front, it reminds me a lot of my Dare (Which I'm done with in a day or 2 when my Droid gets here, I wish Fed Ex would hurry up)

It looks very clean, well done.
It had a nice brushed finish before I polished it with mothers polish. It does scratch easily and since its a high polish it looks like cheap plastic chrome now that I've had it done a few days... I might go back to a brushed look.

Ill try to take some better pics, it just sucks I can't use the droids awesome camera to take the pics lol
what the OP posted is awesome!!!!! i wish i had the balls to do that to my phone.
Added more pix to the first post, I used my girlfriends Eris to take the pics so there is no flash. I lost some quality when I sent the pix to my phone but u can see the shine. Id like go polish more...need to find more metal on this phone...
Make sure that you mask everything off including the screen. I used a single layer of regular white masking tape. A dremel would be perfect for doing this. I used a 3" scotch brite disc to strip the black coating then sand paper to get the hard to reach spots, the mask tape did its job perfectly and I didn't even wear through it. Good luck and post up pics when your done idulfingz