It was deleted because of it being the 10th+ thread created saying the exact same thing that others before had already mentioned. No new issues were brought up, and considering it was in the Galaxy Nexus forum, a lot of people were bothered by the tone of the post. The thread title was "see ya suckaas" or something of that sort. Personally, I am not bothered by these posts. I am happy with my phone and that is all that matters to me. At the same time, I don't create threads in the Razr forum proclaiming this for every Razr owner on DF to see. It just seems to do more harm that good when it comes to these posts. Especially with how redundant they are at this point. With the amount of threads already in place for such discussion, it shouldn't be hard for people to figure out which phone is best for them. Whichever moderator saw the thread in the G-Nex forum noticed that it was doing more harm than good and simply closed the thread.