i hate to be a complete noob here, because i know how frustrating that can be for more advanced users, but i'm trying to read through this thread for the billionth time and it's a little over my head.
i've used the deprimed kernel many times before, but now i'd like to learn a little something. the main thing i want to do is overclock it, i'm still going to try to dig through this huge thread and figure it out but i thought maybe somebody could explain it in easier terms.
thanks for any help
Edit: Never mind. I think I figured it out. Downloaded the milestone overclock app. The version in the op.
Edit 2: So my only problem now is that I can't get the overclock to stick on boot. I have autoload checked in the milestone overclock app and I have set on boot checked in setcpu, however I don't have set on boot checked in cyanogenmod settings because I'm not using the cyanogenmod cpu settings.
If anybody knows how I can get it to stick I'd appreciate the knowledge. Thanks