Off-topic rant, but I need to tell someone who can appreciate my pain. My wife has never rooted and she's out of space on her phone and it's running super slow. So she allowed me to root it. I created a nice ext3 partition, installed Winner's latest build, and set things up more or less like she was used to seeing. I even got most of her apps reinstalled. linked to the extended partition of course. I finished last night after she went to bed.
This morning she starts using the phone before I have a chance to show her anything. Out of the million possible things she could do, what does she do first? She starts moving apps to the SD card. :icon_evil: No real harm done, of course, but I was kinda ticked for a few minutes.
Back on topic, her phone is FLYING. Thanks again guys.
I thought you were going to say she removed the sdcard first and her applications went missing.