This a problem that's been verified by a number of users. The inability to use shift without holding it down in Chrome has been present since ICS. This also means the SYM key has been useless.
A new physical quirk has been the inability to type ; (semicolon) or : (colon) when hitting shift+, or shift+. respectively in any app whatsoever. It just ends up typing the < and > symbols respectively. Current workaround has been to use the on-screen keyboard, which totally defeats the purpose of a Qwerty keyboard.
Now, if someone found a way to fix this mapping issue, then I'm all ears.
I've followed the Chrome uninstall procedure (uninstalled, rebooted, re-updated), as well as ensured my input is set up properly (as per
Cylence's post), so I'm honestly out of options from here short of modifying system files to correct the issue. Honestly, it's something that should've been handled during the Soak. I do know it was reported during the Soak, but the decision to roll with the patch as is went on regardless.