keyboard issue, shift key not working as is most punctuation

I noticed the shift key problem when trying to type a "?". It was primaraly when texting. I changed the AOSP to No Language(QWERTY) and and unchecked English(us) and now everything is working fine, even in Chrome. I have done nothing else. My caps lock seems to be working fine also. My only problem with 4.1.2 now is random restarts(another topic).

I tried this and I still have to hold down shift while pressing the letter in the browser on FB mobile :mad:

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Happens on for me as well. Need to hold shift to get separate symbols.
I noticed the shift key problem when trying to type a "?". It was primaraly when texting. I changed the AOSP to No Language(QWERTY) and and unchecked English(us) and now everything is working fine, even in Chrome. I have done nothing else. My caps lock seems to be working fine also. My only problem with 4.1.2 now is random restarts(another topic).

How do you get to the AOSP setting? I go to language and inputs. I have map phone switch: English US; omap4-keyboard: english US. I downloaded the gingerbread onscreen keyboard app to go back to that. Chinese input os unchecked.
A new physical quirk has been the inability to type ; (semicolon) or : (colon) when hitting shift+, or shift+. respectively in any app whatsoever. It just ends up typing the < and > symbols respectively. Current workaround has been to use the on-screen keyboard, which totally defeats the purpose of a Qwerty keyboard.

Same here. Some of the keyboard mapping issues are flaky/inconsistent. The only persistent one I have is with the semicolon and colon keys. Uninstalling Chrome updates, dickering with input settings didn't have any effect whatsoever.

Sounds like I am not having as many issues (knock on wood) as some here. Physical QWERTY keyboard is the only, and I mean ONLY reason I got the Droid 4. If you take that out of the equation, it is really a pretty mediocre device.
I had this problem and figured it out: After the most-recent OS update, the time you have to hit the key after the SHIFT key is now very short. If you hit it fast, it will work.

Is this a setting somewhere?
Interesting you might be onto something there with the shift timing. The chrome fix stopped working for me after a while for some reason, so I was forced to revisit the keyboard settings but was having user error issues. I couldn't get the directions until I finally scrolled down the list and actually found a setting called "no language" (I thought they just meant unselect any language at all, which it won't let you do so I was stumped). But yah the settings also aren't quite as described so maybe they have different menus or just describe it differently but I found all mine under:

Settings (usually hit menu key > System Settings on the home screen much faster to get to it that way) > Language & Input > Keyboard and Input Methods Section > Click the gear next to the Android Keyboard Section (says AOSP in parenthesis) > Input Languages > Uncheck use System Language at the top by Selecting a Language (find the option that literally says No Language).

Update: Happy to report this is 100% the fix for me now that I got it right. I found that even though I had gone in and checked those settings, something caused English US to also be checked along with No Language. So unchecked the English US and left only No Language now is all good with Chrome updates and everything WOO HOO!

Thanks guys you rock, hope my clarifications helped other folks where I got stuck cuz these dudes are too smart and do all these shorthand descriptions. Dangit we need step by step, even some of the savvy miss this stuff when they change the interface. Still getting used to it TBH it's still a tad different than ICS. VERY happy with the improvement in performance on my Droid 4 for sure, so now that I got this stupid issue hammered out after the upgrade life is good!
Interesting you might be onto something there with the shift timing. The chrome fix stopped working for me after a while for some reason, so I was forced to revisit the keyboard settings but was having user error issues. I couldn't get the directions until I finally scrolled down the list and actually found a setting called "no language" (I thought they just meant unselect any language at all, which it won't let you do so I was stumped). But yah the settings also aren't quite as described so maybe they have different menus or just describe it differently but I found all mine under:

Settings (usually hit menu key > System Settings on the home screen much faster to get to it that way) > Language & Input > Keyboard and Input Methods Section > Click the gear next to the Android Keyboard Section (says AOSP in parenthesis) > Input Languages > Uncheck use System Language at the top by Selecting a Language (find the option that literally says No Language).

Update: Happy to report this is 100% the fix for me now that I got it right. I found that even though I had gone in and checked those settings, something caused English US to also be checked along with No Language. So unchecked the English US and left only No Language now is all good with Chrome updates and everything WOO HOO!

Thanks guys you rock, hope my clarifications helped other folks where I got stuck cuz these dudes are too smart and do all these shorthand descriptions. Dangit we need step by step, even some of the savvy miss this stuff when they change the interface. Still getting used to it TBH it's still a tad different than ICS. VERY happy with the improvement in performance on my Droid 4 for sure, so now that I got this stupid issue hammered out after the upgrade life is good!

I am still having the same issues with FB Mobile :-( shift will not work unless I hold it and press the key at the same time and caps lock is dead

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
If you're still having physical keyboard issues, I found a way to get it working as best as you can.

Settings > Language & Input
Under the "Physical Keyboard" section, check your "omap4-keypad" setting. If it's anything but "Default" (this includes "English (US)"), then tap on it, and then tap "Set up keyboard layouts"
This will give you a list of languages. Uncheck ALL of them. Then hit back.
This should now leave you with just "Default" checked.
Back out of your settings and you should be good to go!

This fixed my issue with the , and . keys not doing ; and : when hitting shift (kept giving me < and >). Haven't had any physical keyboard problems since. Mind you, I still have to hold shift down in any Chrome-based windows, but I think that's purely a Chrome issue now, and not a D4 issue. :p
I had to make some of the changes as previously mentioned AND uninstall chrome.
If you're still having physical keyboard issues, I found a way to get it working as best as you can.

Settings > Language & Input
Under the "Physical Keyboard" section, check your "omap4-keypad" setting. If it's anything but "Default" (this includes "English (US)"), then tap on it, and then tap "Set up keyboard layouts"
This will give you a list of languages. Uncheck ALL of them. Then hit back.
This should now leave you with just "Default" checked.
Back out of your settings and you should be good to go!

This fixed my issue with the , and . keys not doing ; and : when hitting shift (kept giving me < and >). Haven't had any physical keyboard problems since. Mind you, I still have to hold shift down in any Chrome-based windows, but I think that's purely a Chrome issue now, and not a D4 issue. :p

This ish has been a thorn in my side since I downloaded the jb update and I can't tell you how happy I was to find this page and try out the last couple of fixes posted by kettlnaut and NeoPhoenixTE. However, there's only been partial success. My shift key is working again when I text with my physical keyboard (as with others, *the* reason I got this phone) but the shift key still is refuses to work like it used to when I with my browser. I feel like I have made the right changes in the Language and Input settings, but here it is for perusal:

Under the Keyboard and Input Methods my phone is showing:
: Default (No Language (QWERTY) - Android Keyboard (AOSP))
: Android Keyboard (AOSP) No Language (QWERTY)

Under the 'Physical Keyboard' section:
: mapphone-switch: default
: omap4-keypad: default

It looks like it the keyboard should be working again in all scenarios but it's I missing something? Also, the browser I use is just the browser that came loaded on the phone....I've never downloaded anything else...could that be part of the issue since the keyboard shift problem only seems to be happening when I am using that browser?
Mine is still having the same issue, seems like no one has a fix for it :mad:

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I haven't taken the time to gripe at verizon yet... but yess. Still have the problem.

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Haven't tried the suggestion back there about the omap4 setting, hoping to try that soon here but been playing with some roms hoping to find a friggin peice of software that works on this thing. Let's just say I am starting to have severe buyers remorse over this phone. How many years after they release it will it take to get the damn thing right? By the time they do it will be well out of life-cycle and support. ROFL.

Anyway it seems to me the trigger is when I go from doing the physical keyboard to doing any kind of onscreen typing interaction. I notice the change instantly if I am in texting. Like if I close the phone and want to one hand it as soon as I use the onscreen keyboard my shift key is all jacked up again. So dumb how hard is it to fix this? Like none of the other droids have a physical keyboard so they all work? Such total bologna.