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Lunch with my lil gentlemen♡

sent from my sexy Note 4

All these pics of kids just reminds me...I have twins coming in July!
Yay!! Congrats Nick!

sent from my sexy Note 4
Congrats Nick.. You'll have your hand full for sure..
Yes. Until my first plane takes off. I will be home tomorrow evening at 6pm.

It's cool flying back through the timezones since I land the same day that I leave even though I have been travelling for 19 hours after having taken off at 5AM.
Welcome home Bro..
Nexus 7 is back and better than ever! Just got the 5.0.1 OTA!!!
Did it have the little bit of lag and stutter with 5.0 like my 2012 did, or no? Wondering if .1 fixes it. Mine's still a little sluggish, even with a factory reset after updating manually. Not unusable, but agonizing compared to the snappiness of my note 4.
Did it have the little bit of lag and stutter with 5.0 like my 2012 did, or no? Wondering if .1 fixes it. Mine's still a little sluggish, even with a factory reset after updating manually. Not unusable, but agonizing compared to the snappiness of my note 4.

I'm not sure because I had 5.0 for a second and then my tablet went on the fritz. I do notice it is pretty smooth so far but I haven't loaded all my apps back yet so we'll see.
Not that it should make any difference, but I'll wait for this one to come OTA instead of manually installing it.

It's not like it was the snappiest tablet out there, but 5.0 seems to make it not want to react too quick.

sent from my hot Note Pro!
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