Last Post Wins.....Ver 2

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Don't rush it whippsnapper! Soon you'll be my age and be wondering why time seems to fly by at a much faster rate!
BTW....Note my win!

S5 tap'n
Don't rush it whippsnapper! Soon you'll be my age and be wondering why time seems to fly by at a much faster rate!
BTW....Note my win!

S5 tap'n

Eh...It's just my first full week of work since before Thanksgiving. Having trouble getting back into the motivated state of mind.
I shouldn't complain. I've got a pretty good gig and I'm leaving early tomorrow to see the little guy's Christmas program at school, but it's a busy time of year around here. Lots of extra meetings and lunches and social things going on when all I wanna do is hide in my office and only come out when I HAVE to fix something I can't do remotely. Haha
I need a nap

sent from my hot Note Pro!
At least someone here is getting a nap....

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Everyday is Monday... Now through Christmas... Wow..
My win!

sent from my sexy Note 4
Win?....I know you can't. ...

sent from my sexy Note 4
I don't wanna break forum rules, but I gotta say...

I thought that was a breast feeding picture for a second.

Sent from my Note 4
Lol....smh no!.....

sent from my sexy Note 4
I was thinking that was a bad picture to post.....she just looked so sweet

sent from my sexy Note 4
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