Last Post Wins.....Ver 2

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Yuck.....we are supposed to have rain today...

sent from my sexy Note 4
I have to go to Sam's......blah...

sent from my sexy Note 4
One of my children just asked for an Android phone. The LG G3. Buh bye iPhone 5S. That's a win.
You should be so proud. I'm tearing up over here just thinking about if my stepson was old enough for a phone. Don't think I'd give him iPhone as an option, but if he chose one on his own, I would do my best to love him all the same. We'd throw a party when he finally saw the light though...
I win
You should be so proud. I'm tearing up over here just thinking about if my stepson was old enough for a phone. Don't think I'd give him iPhone as an option, but if he chose one on his own, I would do my best to love him all the same. We'd throw a party when he finally saw the light though...

His i5S screen is on the fritz. I told him I would get him a new one and he has decided (or his peers at his school have decided, I should say) that it's time for Android.

I'm not sure what made him choose the G3, but now I will be able to have more hands on time with another great device. That's a cosigning win right there.
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