Wow, it's like I come back to this thread every few days and it's got 10 new pages.. Anyways, do we have any further information as to when at least something will happen? Other than the fact that the soak will not be starting today -.- I'm kinda guessing that because the ways are unfolding, we're not going to get an update until October.. At this point, we can't really put the blame on Verizon alone or Motorola alone, they're both to blame. They both played favorites, and they've both treated us terribly.
Some will argue its Verizon's fault because they're the ones to push the updates. I disagree because you could tell the Bionic wasn't really Motorola's focus for the PAST - *ahem* YEAR - so, it's both of their fault for putting us off this long. And yes, just so you know: The Bionic will officially be a year old on the 8th.
Droid RAZR
Released: November 11th (11/11/11)
ICS OTA Update: June 30th (6/30/12)
Time from launch to update: 6 months
Droid Bionic
Released: September 8th (9/8/11)
Time from launch to update: >1 Year