I apologize if my terminology isn't meeting your exacting standards, but Verizon is replacing the phone because the reps in the store he took it to couldn't fix it. +1, +2, and +10 for the rescue squad pulling the phone out of the fire. Hence the nearly part.It was the OTA that nearly bricked the phone in question. Pushed to the phone, attempted reboot, epic fail.
Took RSDLite and the 2.0.1 SBF and the 2.1 update 1 update.zip file to bring it back to stock, along with some help from the Rescue Squad. Just goes to show there's risk in ANY update. Your best bet would be to wait for the OTA and then go to your local VZW store and ask them to install it for you. Hopefully they'll have the tools and training to fix it if something goes wrong.If not, well, it was their software that screwed your phone up and you'll get a replacement ASAP.
I'm sorry, but there is no such thing as "nearly bricked". It either is bricked, or it isn't bricked. And if you were able to use RSDLite to flash an SBF, then that only means one thing, it wasn't bricked.
Once something like a phone/console/PC/etc. is bricked, there is no coming back or saving it. Bricked = forever.
The moral of the story was that there's risk in any flashing/updating situation.
I'm thinking of The Princess Bride at this point. "Mostly Dead". Maybe I should have put it like that, yes?
It's not bricked, it's only Mostly Bricked. dancedroid
No, your absolutely correct in using that term. The other probably had a bad day and is trying to obtain any dignity he could find and I guess he tried to find it in splitting hairs with you. You brick ur droid.? You you can use rsd lite to try to unbrick it. You brick a psp? You can try a pandora battery to unbrick it. You brick a mobo? Slap a bios card to reflash and tada! You get the picture.
What "brick" really means is that yoy screwed your piece of hardware so bad that the common consumer can't fix it. But any experienced technician or hobbyist will tell you brick definitely does not = forever.
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