I would inject into that comment that the value of Moto was also its build quality (yeah, brand name is a part of that), the rock-solid performance of their radios and antennas, and the history (again...this could be wrapped into brand name), but I wish to distinguish the "name" from the "product" and "legendary performance" where it counts the most - as a wha??? - a transceiver (wireless PHONE.) I just don't see the Lenovo brand and company being able to hold onto that. Motorola is synonymous with the Military, Public Service and other mission-critical communications. Heck, their technology could be given (at least partial), credit for winning several wars and other conflicts. Taking the cellular division of that and handing it to the likes of Lenovo...just doesn't feel so American, so Rocky or Rambo anymore.
I agree with you on all points...the biggest being the idea that they could buy themselves back independently. We need more Harley Davidsons here in the US. I get sick every time I hear of another company having their underdrawers stripped of the contents and being forced to buy Rosetta Stone to learn Mandarin. We're losing this country - what's left of it that isn't already owned by China and other far lesser owners. We're losing (or have already lost), our edge. Heck, even Silicon Valley is practically nothing more than a remote office location for mainland China. What we really need is grass roots revival of "good pay for a hard day's work" mentality here in this country. We're all fat under the belt, living way beyond our means and allowing the Chinese (and other below-poverty workers and dictatorship governments), beat us at our own game, work for peanuts and all the while we're oblivious to the long-term and eventual effect. At what point does China call in their note? They don't have to declare war, they only have to declare ownership and foreclose on the note to beat us.