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Let's Talk (why one clicks are not helping)

Step 6

Please pay attention – this is very important. This step involves a small chance of bricking if you mess up.
To push the eng bootloader:
adb push hbooteng.nb0 /data/local/
adb shell
/data/local/busybox md5sum /data/local/hbooteng.nb0
If the output does not match “6991368ee2deaf182048a3ed9d3c0fcb” exactly, stop, delete it, and re-download it. Otherwise, continue.
Now we will write the new bootloader.
dd if=/data/local/hbooteng.nb0 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18
Confirm proper write:
/data/local/busybox md5sum /dev/block/mmcblk0p18
If the output does not match “6991368ee2deaf182048a3ed9d3c0fcb,” try again; if it still doesn’t work, seek help from chat.andirc.net in channel #thunderbolt.
Now, reboot your phone and put the custom RUU (PG05IMG.zip) on your SD card. Then flash it. This will upgrade you to release firmware with an S-OFF bootloader.
Next, run this command:
adb reboot bootloader
After it flashes, you will be running release firmware with S-OFF.

Yes was very attentive to this step, checking the checksum both times carefully. Both times they were dead on. I was a bit confused by the "DO NOT REPORT" -> "Now, reboot" conflict but I assumed that "DO NOT REBOOT" referred to if the checksums didn't match. So I rebooted, copied the 408MB custom RUU renamed to PG05IMG.zip to my sd card then did the adb reboot bootloader, etc.

My bootloader now says "MECHA XD ENG S-OFF" so I guess that part worked.
I think one thing has been forgotten. Theres a difference between knowing the code and understanding what you are doing. I don't know the code for most things one done on computers but I still understand and consider the consequences of what I am doing. We aren't all programmers obviously but we would like to make the most out of the $600 machine that we bought. Use trusted developers and read reviews. It's that simple. Honestly I don't have the kind of time necessary to learn everything about everything. That's why we are such a technological society. It's called specialization. I'm an aerospace engineer and I don't expect u to know what makes an airplane fly or stay in the air. It's your decision to trust me to do my job. One click methods are the best for me as anytime you introduce more interface in a process all u do is increase the probability of errors.

Sent from my Thunderbolt
Based on your question I tried retracing my steps at step 7 but to no avail. It all works smoothly enough but not root.

You got step 6 done correctly.

When you are ready I would likt to go over step 7 with you again, because you are right there and you have done very well if you got s-off we just are having a little hiccup some where.
At this point I'm pretty convinced that the problem with me losing the prompt is perhaps the problem. I'm away from home until tomorrow so I won't be working on this Wednesday night.
I got past it and here's how:

I went back in to the bootloader and let it reinstall the custom ROM, which of course wipes your phone. Booted and then did step 7 again. I still had the same issue with the shell dropping out after a few seconds, but the difference was that I used a different USB cord on the USB port on the right side of my laptop.

I downloaded superuser and then rebooted. Downloaded root check and verified root, then root manager and ran the clockwork recover flash.

Thanks to pc747 for his patience and help.
Someone could easily make the commands run from a "one click program". un revoked comes to mind. all there stuff works great.

btw, just rooted my TB using adb
Someone could easily make the commands run from a "one click program". un revoked comes to mind. all there stuff works great.

btw, just rooted my TB using adb

Wow! Where you been hiding Insane??

This thread has been Thunder struck!

lol is "This thread has been Thunder struck!" your tapatalk sig. thats pretty funny.

haven't been hiding just lurking :). Trying to
Someone could easily make the commands run from a "one click program". un revoked comes to mind. all there stuff works great.

btw, just rooted my TB using adb

Wow! Where you been hiding Insane??

This thread has been Thunder struck!

lol is "This thread has been Thunder struck!" your tapatalk sig. thats pretty funny.

haven't been hiding just lurking :). Trying to

Ahh ok. And yessir, tis me sig :)

This thread has been Thunder struck!
Here's my take on it. The one-step methods are fine if you are already familiar with the manual rooting methods that use ADB. However, one should not even attempt to gain root access until they are thoroughly familiar with what they are doing, and how to recover from any problems they encounter.

The thing about rooting is simple: it's basically gaining full administrator access to your device. As an IT professional, I wouldn't even think of giving admin access to a user who didn't know exactly what they were doing. If the extent of your computing experience is posting to Facebook and playing Farmville, then you should be running as a limited privelage user on ANY computing device you happen to use. Otherwise, you are simply LOOKING for trouble.

Dot. I'd be damned if I let someone have root on my network!

Transmission Encoded and Sent into Aether by Mobile Command - Axalon Nexus.
However...I feel that one click methods may get users who are wary, but smart enough to check to see if a progran is legit or not, to open up...to want more out of heir phone and knowledge. Knowing adb is the absolute best way to take control of your phone and handle situations. Plus he old addage of "if you want somehing done right..." Comes to mind.

I'm a tech head. I need to know and find out every little thing about my gear. Right now, it's me tryig to work up the time and nerve to root my phone, and then there is my wife's.

If anyone asks why, I will always tell them the same thing: Because I can.

Transmission Encoded and Sent into Aether by Mobile Command - Axalon Nexus.
I think you guys are being unfair. I was a carpenter contractor all my life. I built many homes maybe just like yours. What your saying is that because you cant build your house you shouldnt be able to live in it or you should know how to build it. Thats dumb you dont need to know how to build a house to enjoy it.When I built homes I got you into them what you did after that was up to you. Same with one click it gets you into it what you do after that is up to you.

Just my 2 cents worth