"new" era features, bugs, and MD5's match cyanogen 5.0.7 test0...
that's all I'm gonna say.
This is absolutely impossible for a few reasons.
1. I had New Era in testing for about 2 - 3 days before it released. and it had many features that cyanogenmod was not touting at the time. I did this in order to create a distinction between the two roms soo people would see that it WASNT in fact the same thing.
2. And 2 even if I had used the exact same source (of which I didnt, some parts yes and which I gave credit because they deserve it because a LOT of people work on that project) absolutely no MD'5s would match up. It is more than a 1 and a million chance. I used source from all over, a LOT of different developers. and try to use the most up to date features. One of which is the new Mms app which I know FOR SURE that cyanogenmod doesnt use (it has a scroll wheels with color options in the options which cyanogenmod does not have) and THAT is why I added it in FROM SOURCE because there is no other way.
and 3. I didnt even know they had a test rom out, I live in a bubble and hardly know what people say about me, so I sure have no clue what is going on with everyone else.