In a huge surprise earlier this year we found out that Samsung had somehow managed to buy up the entire first run of Snapdragon 835 chips. This deal was likely helped by the fact that Samsung produced many of the 835 chips. This meant that HTC would have to wait to release their flagship HTC U11 and LG had to settle for an older chip in the LG G6.
LG won't be allowing that to happen next year with the LG G7. Qualcomm is already beginning work on the next gen 845 chip and it is being reported that this chip will be featured in the G7 next year. The chip is based on a 7-nanometer technology which will provide a 30 percent processing power boost when compared to the Snapdragon 835. Sources are already stating that Samsung will also have the 845 chip so it looks like there won't be an exclusive in either device.
via The Investor