1. Sensors - No the sensors still do not work. Not a big deal to me other then the proximity sensor, but just my oppinion.
2. Navigation - Navi uses GPS so I see no reason the sensors should have any impact on navi.
3. Soft Keys(below screen) - Yes they still stay on for about 15 seconds after the screen is off, most, but not all of the time. 15 seconds of these keys being lit isnt really going to put a big drain on the battery, so I see no reason to worry about it personally.
4. Battery Life- I need to track down a battery killer on my phone i Think so no comment here.
5. Stock Alarm - It may be possible, but this would be a do it your self mod as the alarm is part of blur. Here is a thread with some info if your brave:
Try Alarm Clock Pro. Works great for me and can read the time and weather to you when it goes off.
Awesome! Thanks a lot for all your help so far...i dont think ill go through all of that with the alarm. The only thing I like about the stock alarm is the screen when its going off. I like that the entire screen is a snooze button, and to dismiss it you have to slide the dismiss bar across the screen. It prevents me from accidentally hitting the snooze button when i start tapping the screen in my less than alert morning state. haha.
I think I'm going to go ahead and try this again. As for backing up, I did a system backup from droid 2 bootstrapper and with titanium backup, do I need to backup anything else? After backup I just need to flash liberty then flash romer v7 and i'm set right?