Sorry Kejar if I sounded like a jerk in that response. I just reread it and thought it may have sounded not as nice as I would have liked it. I just got sick of reading comment after comment of nothing.
It most frequently happens when using my messaging application, as that is the time where my display is going on and off the most. When I am playing games/using the phone for an extended period it doesn't happen.
So to rephrase my previous comment, the phone freezes/reboots when the screen is being turned on and off frequently.
Ex)send message, lockphone, receive message, unlock phone, reply to message, lock phone, recieve message, try to unlock phone, freeze reboot.
I hope that helps.
Thanks and Amazing job with this ROM
It's all goodno reason to apologies
Ok next round of Q's
Does it happen when you are using the text messaging app only, or any messaging app such as Talk?
Can you try and use the rotary lock-screen to see if it still happens?
If you could answer these questions it would really help pinpoint the issue!
I don't use the Talk app frequently enough to know, just the messaging as far as I can tell.
I use the rotary lock already... it just looks way cooler.
If i didn't already mention this, I am not running any theme and it has the issue whether at stock or any other voltage.
Ok, do you have the music controls set to be always on?