Ok, so here is where this is at...
Just for the sake of comparison, I looked at Fission for the D2 vs Fission on D2G. There are 60+ different lib files between the two, and aside from the map related framework, all the framework files are different. That led me to this conclusion... If D2 Frameworks played nice with D2G, Angdroid wouldn't waste his time rebuilding them completely on the D2G, he'd just change the ones that didn't work. So what does this mean for porting so called roms to D2G? We would have to manually rebuild nearly all the frameworks files to be fully compatible.
Now, I took this one step further and compared Fission D2 with Liberty D2. They do share several frameworks, which leads me to believe, those are the device specific frameworks and not necessarily related to a specific ROM.
So what are the options...
Since our kernels are locked, our ROM's are not true roms, they are really just themes. Most (if not all) of the D2 and DX ROMS are AOSP based, instead of Moto-Blur based. To make a "custom rom" all we really need to do is create a themed framework-res.apk and bundle all the apps/features we really want.
While I did get D2 Liberty 90% functional on the D2G, I'm afraid the sensor hurdle cant be overcome without rebuilding at least some of the frameworks. If that gets done, we still may not have GSM support since we are really still running D2 Libs and frameworks on a D2G (I haven't been able to test this).
At the end of the day, it is easier just to incorporate some of the liberty themed bits into a D2G global framework-res.apk. (I've got this basically working without the Rotary Lock screen function.) I've also got functioning Liberty Scripts and Liberty Toolbox. Which means I've got most of what I wanted out of the Liberty ROM running on Fission.
If we created a new Global based "ROM", what features would you people want to see? Personally I like Fission, but alot of folks would like to see the updates released for the D2G that have already come out for the D2 and DX. What features does the update include?
I personally would like to see a Rotary Lock screen! Why did they ever do away with that in the first place?