List Of Top Devices Shows It's Not About Clock Speed

I would like more speed so that I can watch a flash video not a slide show.

Flash runs just fine for me and a lot of people i know of.

It runs okay if the video is optimized but a very small amount of videos are optimized. If theres a video in the browser and I try to watch it 80% of the time it plays with horrible fps and thats if it even plays because most of the time my browser closes because android is being overloaded and wants to close apps. This has happed on all three of my droids.
As far as flask goes, I do believe that the D1 can not use flash to its full potential. That does not mean that is does not work it just lacks fluidity(if that is a word). Once you put flash on phones with the higher processor, you do not even notice and hiccups.

I agree with a post someone placed earlier, they should put some solar panels on the phones, like calculators that at the least help reserve power when the phone is idle. Then 2ghz processors will be truly outstanding and last at least 15-18 hours a day on average for all users, light and heavy.
The responses in this thread demonstrate the main problem with cell phones these days. You want something that can stream music, edit excel files, chat with a loved one with voice and video, play video games, and have internet access. THEY HAVE THAT, IT'S CALLED A LAPTOP. THEY DON'T GET 48 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE EITHER.

People expect people to do the exact same thing and more than laptops with better battery life in a smaller package. If they'd start being a bit more realistic with their wishes the 24 hours of talk time might become a reality. Then you're probably looking at an actual solid workday's worth of heavy use.

I guess I'm a little old school, in that in my business travels I carry a laptop, cell phone, extra batteries for both an MP3 player, and chargers. I've never been on a job or in a country where I haven't had access to a power outlet, or not been prepared. Then again I guess I'm a little old school in that I expect out of machines exactly what they're capable of. If I screw up and forget my extra extra battery and I'm not able to make a call or access a file, its MY fault not my cell phone or laptop's fault.

Then again that's me I'm a middle aged man, that choses to be accountable and uses statements like "I forgot my extra battery" rather than "MY cellphone didn't have the ridiculous battery life i expect out of it for no legitimate reason.
The responses in this thread demonstrate the main problem with cell phones these days. You want something that can stream music, edit excel files, chat with a loved one with voice and video, play video games, and have internet access. THEY HAVE THAT, IT'S CALLED A LAPTOP. THEY DON'T GET 48 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE EITHER.

People expect people to do the exact same thing and more than laptops with better battery life in a smaller package. If they'd start being a bit more realistic with their wishes the 24 hours of talk time might become a reality. Then you're probably looking at an actual solid workday's worth of heavy use.

I guess I'm a little old school, in that in my business travels I carry a laptop, cell phone, extra batteries for both an MP3 player, and chargers. I've never been on a job or in a country where I haven't had access to a power outlet, or not been prepared. Then again I guess I'm a little old school in that I expect out of machines exactly what they're capable of. If I screw up and forget my extra extra battery and I'm not able to make a call or access a file, its MY fault not my cell phone or laptop's fault.

Then again that's me I'm a middle aged man, that choses to be accountable and uses statements like "I forgot my extra battery" rather than "MY cellphone didn't have the ridiculous battery life i expect out of it for no legitimate reason.

Plus 1 here bud this statement is so golden it should be in the bible
personal accountability! no way... Dude you are officially my hero here!!!
The responses in this thread demonstrate the main problem with cell phones these days. You want something that can stream music, edit excel files, chat with a loved one with voice and video, play video games, and have internet access. THEY HAVE THAT, IT'S CALLED A LAPTOP. THEY DON'T GET 48 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE EITHER.

People expect people to do the exact same thing and more than laptops with better battery life in a smaller package. If they'd start being a bit more realistic with their wishes the 24 hours of talk time might become a reality. Then you're probably looking at an actual solid workday's worth of heavy use.

I guess I'm a little old school, in that in my business travels I carry a laptop, cell phone, extra batteries for both an MP3 player, and chargers. I've never been on a job or in a country where I haven't had access to a power outlet, or not been prepared. Then again I guess I'm a little old school in that I expect out of machines exactly what they're capable of. If I screw up and forget my extra extra battery and I'm not able to make a call or access a file, its MY fault not my cell phone or laptop's fault.

Then again that's me I'm a middle aged man, that choses to be accountable and uses statements like "I forgot my extra battery" rather than "MY cellphone didn't have the ridiculous battery life i expect out of it for no legitimate reason.

Eh, the more they advance these nifty little mobile computing devices, the less crap I have to lug around with me. I don't know about you, but I don't even carry an MP3 player around anymore. I just stream music or play the 10 gigs worth of music I have on my Droid.

Are these phones going to replace dedicated devices altogether? Likely not, but, for example, if all I need to do is some small editing on an Excel or Word file then it's convenient not to have to break out a laptop to do so. Plus, if I'm going on an extended trip, then I have extra space available to carry a couple of extra phone batteries if I need them from deleting the MP3 player, its batteries, and its charger.
The responses in this thread demonstrate the main problem with cell phones these days. You want something that can stream music, edit excel files, chat with a loved one with voice and video, play video games, and have internet access. THEY HAVE THAT, IT'S CALLED A LAPTOP. THEY DON'T GET 48 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE EITHER.

People expect people to do the exact same thing and more than laptops with better battery life in a smaller package. If they'd start being a bit more realistic with their wishes the 24 hours of talk time might become a reality. Then you're probably looking at an actual solid workday's worth of heavy use.

I guess I'm a little old school, in that in my business travels I carry a laptop, cell phone, extra batteries for both an MP3 player, and chargers. I've never been on a job or in a country where I haven't had access to a power outlet, or not been prepared. Then again I guess I'm a little old school in that I expect out of machines exactly what they're capable of. If I screw up and forget my extra extra battery and I'm not able to make a call or access a file, its MY fault not my cell phone or laptop's fault.

Then again that's me I'm a middle aged man, that choses to be accountable and uses statements like "I forgot my extra battery" rather than "MY cellphone didn't have the ridiculous battery life i expect out of it for no legitimate reason.

I agree with your last statement BUT if it wasn't for those people who always wanted more, you wouldn't have a cell phone let alone all the other stuff you mentioned.

We should thank all these people who want front facing camera's, dual core processors, longer battery life, etc. Because of them we will have stuff that seems useless at first but will become a necessity in the future.

just my .02dancedroid
I am only saying that,
A. If you have a family and are traveling a lot like I do its extremely nice to have a video call so that you can see your family.

B. As cellular phones become more and more important it is going to be expected to get at least a solid day of constant use out of your phone.

Is the battery life possible right now no. The thing is that every phone manufacturer out there knows that the company that can create a battery that gets you a solid day of use is going to be worth billions.
I spend a lot of time at clients sites and I am not about to lug around my laptop as I talk to them and they show me their books. I am currently using Tonido with my laptop so that I can quickly show a client what happens to their bottom line as they adjust certain accounts. It is HUGE to have good battery life when doing this as it will drain the battery in no time flat.

Besides if anyone remembers it was though impossible to do 50%+ of things that are common place today. Dreamers are what makes America great.
please correct me if i'm wrong but a lot of the app issues sounds like a cashing issue maybe more RAM is the answer not more CLOCK SPEED
we need to let battery tech and power management catch up to the rest of the phone it does no good to have a duel core proc if the phone only last 10 min with out being plugged in to a flux compactor to run

Thanks. I have been stating this for a while in several different threads. Without improved battery tech a faster phone will only last half as long if that as out current smart phones. Sure i say go for 2Ghz/Dual Core but we need a newer battery Technology First.:)
Very low power yet brilliant displays are also a technology that will even better improve the these devices in the coming years. Battery tech will be the slowest to emerge in the mobile market because it's expensive to do and not entirely necessary, so the hardware needs to be focused on for now IMO. Low power chip-sets built on smaller architecture is where it's really at though, Intel has already certified 32mn process and has started production, and have even already shown working 22nm circuits, leading the way for super efficient processors (I believe for leaked power alone, each generation of architecture decreases this leaked power by 10x). The power savings and potential of these newest technologies (once they begin to enter the mobile chipset market) will dominate power savings statistics. The Tegra 2 is already being manufactures at 40nm I've read, so imagine when we get to 22nm some day, or beyond... It's likely you could use the battery technologies of yesterday to run the chip-sets of tomorrow, allowing for ultralight devices as well, meaning we could go much, muuuch longer on a single charge, streaming content for days. :)

The future is bright indeed.
we need to let battery tech and power management catch up to the rest of the phone it does no good to have a duel core proc if the phone only last 10 min with out being plugged in to a flux compactor to run

Agreed! I'm still using the Droid and I can literally watch my battery drain from overclocking under normal usage.
I voted - Dual Core 2ghz Please and an Extended Battery :happy:
I love that over clocked my Droid, its improved its performance in ways that make a stock droid run like a kyocera phone. But speed isn't everything, for my next phone ill be looking more towards how much RAM the phone has on board then CPU speed.
I think finding a solid CPU with the most memory is the direction I will be aiming for.
Dual core is the way to go...

But cell phone companys need to stop being cheap and stocking these things with extended batterys instead of compacting your phone with so many diff features, handing you off a 5 hour battery then turn around and advertise an extended battery that costs 50-60 bucks...