AT&T's whole market is just so unbelievably weak. I'm hardly a Verizon fanboy (it just so happens they dominate in the one thing that matters, voice coverage), but they are marketing well and AT&T looks like they don't have a clue.
1) Luke Wilson has absolutely no presence. They might as well have Michael Cera/George Michael doing their commercials. At least he's funny.
2) Ever looked closely at the download speed comparison commercial? They're downloading at the same speed. AT&T just started sooner. They can't even get BS dramatizations right.
3) The post cards name cities even T-Mobile has coverage. I can talk to people while I'm in Chicago? WOW, I can't believe they didn't overlook that obscure city! What about Nauvoo AL, Tipton IA or Sandwich IL? What about half way between Chicago and St Louis? No? I get "the point" of the commercial, maybe it would have more of an affect if Brad Pitt was talking.