I got this phone Friday Aug 19th. I've struggled with the battery life for the past few days, although finally after a few full charging cycles, the battery SEEMS to be lasting me a decent amount of time (10 hrs mostly of idle time, very little browsing or anything, still at around 75%).
The audio is something that has crept up on me since I didn't have any songs on the phone until today. I can definitely recreate the audio lag problem using any sort of player: (using stock / non rooted Gingerbread on Verizon Wireless)
- stock player playing music stored on SD Card
- full (paid) version of PowerAmp, with Audio Buffer setting at "huge", playing music stored on SD Card
- Pandora streaming music through Wifi connection
In all of these cases, if I open up something else in the foreground (be it "manage applications", or sometimes even opening the text messaging app), the music will stutter / skip. I've also had ringtones stutter / skip when people call, although I can't really recreate that (it's a custom mp3 ringtone that's 4 seconds long).
My question is - what do I do now? I still have another 10 days in my verizon return period. I really want to like the Droid X2, even without the forward facing camera (although that's an appealing feature for some of the other phones). Should I ask for a replacement phone? (even though I'll get a refurbed probably?). Should I complain enough (and if I do so, will they give me a 4G phone instead)?
Thanks everyone
(side note - if you're returning in the 14 day window because of a defect, do they still charge you the restocking fee? how does that work?)