Matias Duarte Says in Video that Galaxy Nexus Will Be Available in November


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Thanks to wicked over on our, we have some potentially concrete info that the Galaxy Nexus will be available in November. In the video above, The Verge interviews Matias Duarte, Director of Android User Experience with Google. In the video, Mr. Duarte clearly indicates that we will see the Galaxy Nexus released sometime in November. If you want to skip to the good part it is around the 25:10 section.

Thanks for the great info and tip, wicked!

Source: GalaxyNexusForum
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i love how he obviously doesnt want to say anything about it, and the tiny slip of november comes out and suddenly several news outlets bring this up like its a serious announcement. Hes probably reading all this and cussing.
I dunno, I think most are reading too much into this. He says absolutely nothing about Verizon. He only states a November release. This could be in the UK for all we know.
Pretty sure he's talking about a US/Verizon launch. Since he said "I can't steal the partners thunder"

UK launch date is already confirmed...

I still think it launches the week of 11/21 on VZW.
Pretty sure he's talking about a US/Verizon launch. Since he said "I can't steal the partners thunder"

UK launch date is already confirmed...

I still think it launches the week of 11/21 on VZW.
I agree. I think thats what everyone wants to know anyway, it sure is no mystery on tmobile...
Thank you for posting this Vid on DF. It was great, and had me laughing at some parts, and wide eyed at others. Can't wait to see next months ep.