[Rumor] Samsung Galaxy Nexus Likely Available "pretty much everywhere" November 21

Does the manufacturer or Verizon assign preorders? I want to believe these rumors, but can't understand how this phone is launching on Monday or anytime soon without pre-orders.

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Pre-orders are all about marketing. It's a joke. It's a campaign to cause hysteria and hype, and make it seem as though if you don't pre-order this super hot amazing device you may not ever get one. Who would have thought a few years ago that you'd have to 'pre-order' a damn phone.
Pre-orders are all about marketing. It's a joke. It's a campaign to cause hysteria and hype, and make it seem as though if you don't pre-order this super hot amazing device you may not ever get one. Who would have thought a few years ago that you'd have to 'pre-order' a damn phone.

Seriously, why would you want to preorder something you haven't even played with yourself? Highly anticipated devices like these aren't just going to sell out. All the RAZR hype had me thinking I was going to have to squeeze through waves of people to get in the store and hold it but at around 6pm there was two people in a VZW store right by the mall in Lewisville, TX and I'm sure it was the same most other places around Dallas. Forget pre-ordering, wait til launch and go play with it yourself. Afterall, if it's your hard-earned money, you ought to spend it wisely and know you made a good purchase yourself instead of what the forums say.
I am hoping that this is true .this would be the best birthday present if this device lunch is on my birthday I will be psyched !

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Glad you are getting one, I've enjoyed your helpful youtube vids going back to the DX!
The only reason to launch on Monday as opposed to over the weekend is they are rushing to get it out for Black Friday. This likely means a not-100% finished product (but these days, even the IPhones launch with bugs).

And I don't care, because CM will probably have a rom out a week after launch and the devs will have any bugs fixed long before VZW/Google push updates.
all phones will have bugs upon release...there will never be a perfect phone out of the box. thats why they have updates.
Neither the Bionic nor the Rezound had pre-orders, so no G-Nex pre-orders as of yet doesn't mean much to me.
Sammie hasn't really had a flagship phone on VZW. It's almost inconceivable to me that they would miss Black Friday. You're talking hundreds of thousands in lost sales.

I'm not so sure they would lose that much if they missed a Black Friday launch. Black Friday is about Christmas shopping and sales, how many people buy a phone and then put it away for a month?
all phones will have bugs upon release...there will never be a perfect phone out of the box. thats why they have updates.

The point is, if it is ready to go on Monday it probably would have been just as good on Thurs or Friday. The choice of Monday indicates to me more rushed than normal to make the Black Friday availability, and that means more bugs than a typical release.
I'm not so sure they would lose that much if they missed a Black Friday launch. Black Friday is about Christmas shopping and sales, how many people buy a phone and then put it away for a month?

People shop on Black Friday. If I don't have a sense for the Nexus release, I am probably going to pick-up the RAZR - maybe not Friday specifically, but some time next week. That's when a lot of people do their shopping, and buying gifts. People are off work and have time and probably a good number of people sitting on upgrades who will use the time to pick-up a new phone (like myself).

The average or typical user is not going to care or know to return a RAZR for a Nexus after unwrapping on Christmas. Lots of phone will be sold next weekend and if the Nexus isn't in the mix it will lose a lot of sales.
Honestly,i didnt read it-4give me

NP, sorry if I came off sounding a little harsh. I don't think anyone has read the original article. I really like these forums and use them almost exclusively for my Android news, but some of the thread titles they post here can seem a little misleading. Then again, I could be completely wrong and maybe Google was referring to the whole world, but I somehow doubt that.
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I just want to have a phone to play with over the Thanksgiving holiday. Got all that free time to set things up and test. But I'm pretty much leaning toward the Nexus and don't want to pay a re-stock fee, however I also really need a new phone.