Great work devs!!
MavROM is indeed something that makes you don't look back to stock once tried!
I installed it couple of days ago to my XT860 (Bell Canada). Thanks to a fellow user over @XDA build.prop is adjusted for it and the proper ril library is added. Data and everything works perfect.
I would like to report few issues I noticed:
- I can't seem to add Yahoo email to the accounts. Always says login failure. I don't see dedicated Hotmail account services, I am pretty sure stock rom had Hotmail too.
- Theme colors (I'm using ICS theme) might need slight adjustment - in the list email senders are listed with white and since background is light grey, email names are almost indistinguishable. Another place where white font is used is when adding account - once you're out of that field, field which has white background looks completely blank
- I can't seem to create email widget on screen - upon selecting which account I want on the widget, process Email forcecloses and no widget gets created. I tried creating some custom shortcuts with xShortcut and got similar problem - app says shortcut created, but no shortcut appears on the home screen. ALogcat says "W/ApplicationContext( 338): Unable to create files directory", I suspect email FC and this might be related as logcat says same for that.
Still can't believe how well you guys made GB to mimic ICS! Hats down!!