>>Safestrap Instructions
>Start in stock MotoBlur
[question = what actually moto blur is ?? stock rom ??]
>Remove any bootstraps that you currently have installed
[how do i have boot strap if iwas on stock verizon ?? noob here help me out ppl]
>Install Droid3Safestrap.apk
>Click "Install Recovery"
>At the bottom of the screen it should have "1.06". If not you have the wrong version.
[It shows 1.08 may this version cause any difference ???]
>Now reboot and enter recovery by hitting [ menu ] during the splashscreen at bootup
>Make a backup. (While in non-safe mode, backups include your primary system. Nice for disaster recovery.)
[Not done
>Toggle Safe System to ENABLED using the Safe System Menu (near the bottom of the main menu). This will store a copy of your user data for later.
>*IMPORTANT* Restart and enter back into safe-strap BEFORE flashing or wiping.
>Select Install zip from sdcard
>Select Choose zip from sdcard
>Find and select D3-MavROM-xxx.zip
>Select Wipe data/factory reset
>Select Yes delete all data
>Go Back
>Reboot system