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I just got my maylong bout 20 min ago it lags some is bulky but has a camera and video camera so woah didnt see that it sucks but its still there i ordered it form walgreens its cheaply made but so far works good just like a bigger version of my hero
I got my Maylong M-150 today at 3 p. m. I ordered it Saturday. I booted after 1 hr. charging. Attached to web, has a camera, well made compared to Augen GT78. Has screen orentation, boo koo apps, email works, browser works, volume control works. I am very happy with it.
ok this hole thing is so sketch idk if its even real it heres a list of things it has that it didnt say it have, video camera, os 1.5 and i pluged my mouse and keyboard up via usb and they work so i just f**ked the touch screen and i can charge my phone and copy files such as music from it and save it on the maylong, the instructions have the grammer of a first grader and my plastic back where it has the fine print junk is upside down, someone please tell me i got the right thing why does it have a camera im so lost i got it the second day i ordered it i had it at noon yesterday
So does that mean the Maylong comes with Android 1.6, and Droid101's post above yours is not correct with 1.5 (although it is not clear if that is what is meant in that post - one long sentence is a bit tricky to parse... ;-) .
It does have the ability to turn on usb debugging. I'll give that a try. I don't really think they have it locked down though. It has a busybox folder (don't know if that matters just used to hearing that in association with rooting). I'll try pushing su then perhaps I'll brick it trying to modify my first kernel to overclock and put 2.0
In the terminal emulator what commands could I run to test it? Sorry this is all new grounds for me. That was the main reason for getting this device. So I could learn how to do all this stuff.