Microsoft Officially Announces the Xbox One

1) Listen, bro...

2) Ridiculous? List any features Sony ACTUALLY DEMOED live on stage. I CHALLENGE YOU TO MAKE A LIST OF THE FEATURES SONY ACTUALLY SHOWED IN ACTION FROM START TO FINISH DURING THEIR ENTIRE ANNOUNCEMENT. And in turn, I will make a list of the features Yusuf Mehdi demonstrated in his 5 minutes onstage. Yes or no. If you don't respond to this you KNOW you're FULL of it.

3) Sony had a person off stage playing an unfinished game on a developers rig with cutscenes for 8 minutes. That's great for the game developer, but what did Sony achieve? Seems like that was to show off what the developer was making for Sony, not what Sony themselves had to offer. Sure it shows me that Sony has great graphics... There's more to a console than that. Sony left tons of stuff out... What is the interface like? Is the UI smooth? Exactly how will I interact with it? Is the controller the only way to interact? If not, can you demonstrate? Can it perform the tasks as advertised? Show me. ...They didn't. you know nothing about how the PS4 plans to deliver any of its content.

4) MS went over tons of features AND showed them in action... Live... Onstage. They even had a demo box backstage for journalists to use, but admittedly they didn't let them touch the actual console. Sony TALKED about features. They showed one task.. One 5 second input and immediately faded out before it even confirmed the task was completed. You'd figure if they took the stage for 2 HOURS they'd show more features in action. 95% of their features demo consisted of still screens with video vignettes and not an actual working UI performing any tasks except for ONE for 5 seconds.

5) Sony didn't prove that they have anything ready! Everything they did was behind a curtain and shown after it was running. The worst was the PS Vita demo where they don't show how it works or what steps are involved. The guy just walks from back stage and says, "...Here I am using the remote console. This looks great." Then he hands off the PS Vita and it disappears backstage. You're asking me to believe a lot with that one.

6) MS has WORKING DEMO BOXES! The journalists have used them. They just don't have any third party software to show off right now. Sony had their announcement months ago and STILL not a single feature has been officially shown in the flesh. In the past 90 days have we seen anything besides gameplay demos?

Before you ask me to show you a gameplay demo I totally concede that the developers haven't made one for the Xbox, and I'll give MS a pass on that. MS has, however, shown their console and it's features in action and has let others use it. Sony has yet to do that.

EDIT: This is my last post here I'll move to the other thread.

It seems like the whole crux of your argument is "I didn't see it. Sony must be lying."

They outlined many features the system was going to be capable of. They showed one of the big features live on stage. They demo'd a game live on stage. They showed portions of their UI. They showed tons of games in development. They revealed all the system specs.

If you think Sony is lying about everything the PS4 is going to do, there's not going to be any convincing you. Your points have come across loud and clear, but there is no point in us continuing to go back and forth if you're only argument is that you don't believe what Sony says because you didn't see it first hand.

Sent from my Droid DNA using Tapatalk 2!
The crux of my argument isn't "Sony didn't show it to me, they must be lying."

My argument is "Sony didn't show it to me!"

Still no list. Cool.

I'm done.
The crux of my argument isn't "Sony didn't show it to me, they must be lying."

My argument is "Sony didn't show it to me!"

Still no list. Cool.

I'm done.

Exactly! You're saying "Sony didn't show it to me", followed by disregarding their stage demos as "not true". You're saying that since Sony didn't show these things live on stage, they must be lying about them.

Sent from my Droid DNA using Tapatalk 2!
As a long time player and beta tester for xbox live, I'm not too impressed.

Microsoft started out of the gate(original xbox) with games and hard core gamers in mind.

Now it seems that the focus on games is an after thought.

Too much focus on things like bing and social media interaction.. I mean come on posting a fb status update from your console?

If they can do both then fine add all that crap too but it really feels like games aren't the priority anymore.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Announced at E3 today, the Xbox One will retail for $499 and drop in November.
I love my 360 but so far the XBox One is underwhelming. I may just pick up a PS3 and play all of the games that were exclusives for a while until the dust settles
MS e3 press conference was weak imo. It gave me no reason to even remotely want an xbox one.
I thought it was a pretty good conference. I think $499 is a good price, for what is essentially 2 products in 1. An Indepth Media Hub and Gaming System.